This document describes the necessary permissions for Remotion Lambda and explains to those interested why the permissions are necessary.
For a step by step guide on how to set up permissions, follow the setup guide.
User permissions
This policy should be assigned to the AWS user. To do so, go to the AWS console ➞ IAM ➞ Users ➞ Your created Remotion user ➞ Permissions tab ➞ Add inline policy ➞ JSON.
Show full user permissions JSON file for latest Remotion Lambda version
You can always get the suitable permission file for your Remotion Lambda version by typing npx remotion lambda policies user
Role permissions
This policy should be assigned to the role remotion-lambda-role
in your AWS account. The permissions below are given to the Lambda function itself.
To assign, go to AWS console ➞ IAM ➞ Roles ➞ remotion-lambda-role
➞ Permissions tab ➞ Add inline policy.
Show full role permissions JSON file for latest Remotion Lambda version
You can always get the suitable permission file for your Remotion Lambda version by typing npx remotion lambda policies role
There are two ways in which you can test if the permissions for the user have been correctly set up. Either you execute the following command:
npx remotion lambda policies validate
npx remotion lambda policies validate
or if you want to validate it programmatically, using the simulatePermissions()
Policies for the role cannot be validated.
The following table is a breakdown of why Remotion Lambda requires the permissions it does.
User policies
Permission | Scope | Reason |
iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy | * | Allows for |
iam:PassRole | arn:aws:iam::*:role/remotion-lambda-role | Allows the Lambda function to assume a role with sufficient permissions. |
s3:GetObject s3:DeleteObject s3:PutObjectAcl s3:PutObject s3:CreateBucket s3:ListBucket s3:GetBucketLocation s3:PutBucketAcl s3:DeleteBucket s3.PutBucketOwnershipControls s3.PutBucketPublicAccessBlock | arn:aws:s3:::remotionlambda-* | Allows to create and delete buckets and objects in your account, make objects public and configure them as websites. Only buckets that start with |
s3:ListAllMyBuckets | arn:aws:s3:::* | Allows listing the names of all buckets in your account, in order to detect an already existing Remotion bucket. |
lambda:GetLayerVersion | arn:aws:lambda:*:678892195805:layer:remotion-binaries-* | Allows to read Chromium and FFMPEG binaries. These binaries are hosted in an account hosted by Remotion specifically dedicated to hosting those layers in all supported regions. |
lambda:ListFunctions lambda:GetFunction | * | Allows to read the functions in your AWS account in order to find the correct function to invoke. The loose |
lambda:InvokeAsync lambda:InvokeFunction lambda:DeleteFunction lambda:PutFunctionEventInvokeConfig lambda:CreateFunction lambda:PutRuntimeManagementConfig lambda:TagResource | arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:remotion-render-* | Allows to create, delete, invoke and configure functions (such as disabling automatic retries). Used by the CLI and the Node.JS APIS to set up, execute and teardown the infrastructure. |
logs:CreateLogGroup logs:PutRetentionPolicy | arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/lambda/remotion-render-* | Allows to create CloudWatch group, so logs can be saved in there later. Simplifies debugging. |
servicequotas:GetServiceQuota servicequotas:GetAWSDefaultServiceQuota servicequotas:RequestServiceQuotaIncrease servicequotas:ListRequestedServiceQuotaChangeHistoryByQuota | * | Powers the |
Role policies
Permission | Scope | Reason |
s3.ListAllMyBuckets | * | Get a list of Remotion buckets in order to find existing buckets that start with |
s3:CreateBucket s3:ListBucket s3:PutBucketAcl s3:GetObject s3:DeleteObject s3:PutObjectAcl s3:PutObject s3:GetBucketLocation | arn:aws:s3:::remotionlambda-* | Create and delete buckets and items, make them public or private and fetch their location. Since Remotion stores the videos in an S3 bucket, it needs basic CRUD capabilities over those buckets. The permission only applies to buckets that start with |
lambda:InvokeFunction | arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:remotion-render* | Allow the function to recursively invoke itself. A render involves multiple function calls, which is to be orchestrated by the first function call. |
lambda:CreateLogStream lambda:PutLogEvents | arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:/aws/lambda/remotion-render* | Allows to write the function logs to CloudWatch for easier debugging. |